Get Started with the Voting Location Help Desk Software

Efficiently Resolve Voting Location Problems and Reduce Hotline Calls with USDR's Help Desk Software
Resolve voting location problems quickly and effectively with USDR's user-friendly help desk software
Centralize voting center issues and streamline problem-resolution processes
Organize and categorize issues by location, assignment, and specific problems for efficient resolution
Create tickets directly from onsite election worker phones, or the election office
Gain real-time visibility into the status of all locations through proactive form submissions and monitoring
Empower election staff to provide updates and complete forms for issue tracking using just their mobile devices
Notify assignees of new issues via automatic text messages and emails
Enable staff to address voting location problems efficiently and reduce reliance on phone support
Allow staff in the field to track help desk issues on a mobile device
Improve response times and enhance overall voter experience
Review a comprehensive log of all voting location issues to identify areas for improvement
Use data-driven insights to enhance election processes for subsequent elections
“Wow! Flexibility at its best. That’s the advantage of working with a collaborative such as USDR, where they draw from experts from all over the country to bring each customer a personalized product and experience. I’m extremely pleased that I joined the USDR collaborative.”