USDR Grants Tools Update: Goodbye to DUNS … Hello to UEI!

USDR Grants Tools Update: Goodbye to DUNS … Hello to UEI!

To help our partners make the transition to UEI, the new numbering ID system for anyone receiving federal funds, USDR has created a UEI Lookup tool.


By: USDR Grants Tools Team

We’ve been partnering with governments on tools for grant discovery and reporting since the earliest days of USDR. Below, an update from our grants team on a new tool to save jurisdictions time and energy.

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As jurisdictions begin to prepare reporting for the upcoming April 2022 reporting period to US Treasury for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), they may run up against a hiccup as they report on sub-recipients receiving federal funds: the Federal government has stopped using a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number to uniquely identify entities receiving funds. Starting April 4, 2022, the unique entity identifier used across the federal government transitioned from DUNS Numbers to Unique Entity IDs (UEI) generated by

After listening to our partners, U.S. Digital Response (USDR) created the UEI lookup tool to validate information for high volumes of subrecipients at once. The tool is already live and in use in over 5 state and local partners. This tool:

  • Gathers information from on up to 10,000 IDs a day with a single click.
  • Is built on Excel for maximum accessibility and compatibility.

Now, agencies can assign accurate UEI numbers in their reporting to US Treasury easily.

Current registrants have already been assigned their UEI and can view it within Be sure to ask all your subrecipients to visit their account, or to set up their account. It will automatically show them their new UEI number, which they can now use for all reporting.

Request access to the tool here.

If you are a government partner looking for support, please reach out to us here. We’ve worked with these tools on engagements with governments across the country, and are happy to discuss how these tools could help you as well. Similarly, if you are a technologist or public servant looking for ways to use your skills on high-impact, high-urgency projects, join our USDR volunteer community and see our open staff positions.